Wednesday, 22 September 2010

Winners and losers

Term started this week, with 2 new classes and one returning class, who take their exams in November.

The returning class consist of 3 students - M, D and P. I had a fun lesson with them yesterday as we started the final topic about radioactivity. We were discussing atoms and I was trying to find out how much they remembered after the holidays or from previous work. At one point I asked what they thought we call atoms that have gained or lost one or more electrons (ions). M suggested "losers", to which D replied "what would you call those that have gained electrons then - winners?".

Apart from the obvious humour there, it was brilliant to hear the students bantering with each other so comfortably in English and having such confidence that they didn't hesitate to speak out. I'm not sure I can take too much credit for this, but the CLIL methods for teaching and my asking many more questions in class to lead students to answers instead of lecturing, certainly foster an environment where students feel able to take risks with the language. I would not have been able to hear this kind of discussion before, even if the students were capable of producing it.

1 comment:

  1. Just to say I think this Blog is an amazing and fascinating record of your exploration - thank you Penny
